Our Process
Accelerate your scaling up progress.Money and a plan don’t guarantee execution!
Execution depends on communication, cascading priorities throughout the organization, and an external guide that holds the team accountable and keeps the momentum going. Lots of companies know what to do – but it’s the doing that needs an external guide.That’s what Scaling 4 Growth provides. We use the best systems on the planet including: Gazelles and the Rockefeller Habits, as well as software to track team initiatives and progress. Read about our full list of services here.
Phase 1:
We begin with a deep dive into understanding what your culture is all about: Your core values, your purpose and your team dynamics. This phase includes interviews, Everything DiSC personality assessments and Pat Lencioni’s well known Five Cohesive Behaviors of a Team assessment.
An offsite annual or semi-annual strategic thinking and execution planning meeting follows using the proven Gazelles tools and One Page Business Plan.
Phase 2 and onward:
We introduce a rhythm of meetings, priorities and metrics that are reviewed quarterly to advance you to your 3-5 year plan and BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal).
Take a look at a Sample One Page Plan and several of the Gazelles Growth tools. It is daunting to create a plan alone – allow us to guide you through the process.
There are 51 tools in the Gazelles Intellectual property toolbox that we deploy as Certified Gazelles Growth Advisors. These tools are tailored to YOUR needs.
Scaling 4 Growth delivers Lean Management, SCRUM techniques and The Big Five for Life philosophies to support the Gazelles tools.
This may be the most important decision you make this year. Contact us now!
“A rhythm of meetings and routine can set you free.”